Project name
One plus Concept design

Photoshop, Illustrator, AE

The new brand, One plus, is a low-cost mobile phone model and a brand developed targeting young people. I was hoping that the direction of brand development aimed at young people would be as cheap and quality as UNIQLO brand. The design was made in two forms, and it was divided into lightness and heavyness in a simple, discriminative way in common.
신규 브랜드 One plus는 저가형 핸드폰 모델이며, 젊은층을 타겟으로 개발된 브랜드이다. 젊은층을 겨냥하여 브랜드 발전 방향이 UNIQLO 처럼 싸고 질 좋은 브랜드가 되길 바랬다. 디자인은 두가지 형태로 제작되었으며, 공통적으로 심플하고 차별적으로 가벼움과 무거움으로 나뉘었다.